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FindGroup - method of the PmaEventGroup object

Find event group according to specified criteria.
Object FindGroup(Long nWhat, [String sPar])
nWhat(Long) Specifies the type of group search.
1 - Returns the root group.
If the group over which the method was called has a parent group, then the same method is called internally over this parent (called recursion). This is repeated until a group is encountered that does not have a parent group (root), which is then returned.
The sPar parameter is not used.
2 - Returns the parent group (parent).
If the group over which the method was called has a parent group,
then this parent group is returned.
If it does not have a parent group, then Empty is returned.
The sPar parameter is not used.
3 - Returns the group according to the specified area value, that distinguishes groups with a common parent group from each other.
The method can be called over any group with a common parent, internally, the call is passed to the root parent (root), which searches all groups registered to it.
It returns the alarm group with the specified area value.
The sPar parameter is used to specify the value of area.
sPar[optional] (String) The meaning of the parameter differs according to the value of the nWhat parameter.
Return value:
Returns the found event group (PmaEventGroup object) or Empty.
Finding an event group, registered in the root group "/Event" with the area value "boiler2".
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oEv1 = pMe.Pm("/Event");
var oEv2 = oEv1.FindGroup(3, "boiler2");

Pm9.00.30: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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