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GetPermission - method of the PmaObject object

Returns permission of corresponding protected operation from object in the Pma object tree
Variant GetPermission(String sName, String sParams)
sName(String) Protected operation permission name.
sParams(String) Additional parameters defining which information to be obtained. Entries are in the KeyVal format, for example "what:groups;".
"what:sss;" - The basic option specifies what to return.
what:groups; - Permission in the form of text list containing group and user identifiers (separated by comma).
This method is especialy handy for testing protected operation (with corresponding permission) beforehand, i.e. sooner than the operation itself is executed or eventually fails.
Test whether the local user has the permission to open specific panel beforehand. The "PanelOpen" permission of the Panel1 panel is obtained. Then the testing proceeds in order to find out whether the local user meets the permission.
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var oPanel = pMe.Pm("/Panel1");
var sGroups = oPanel.GetPermission("PanelOpen", "what:groups;");
if (Pm.TestUserInGroup(0, sGroups))
// ...

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PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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