Disable object at application launch | If checked, then the edited object will not be included (including its subobjects) into the running application.
List of all disabled Pma objects can be seen in the "/System/DisabledObjects" item of the INFO system. Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated after the application is launched). Caution! This property affects other objects in runtime (these may refer to this conditionally disabled object). Therefore it is evaluated at application launch before others and also the Macro expression $.par can be used. It is preferable to use for example Macro expression $.cfgfile and this way use the configuration file to define which object will really be launched in the application. |
Object name | Name (identifier) of the Pma object. It is used for obtaining a reference to this object by the PmaObject.Pm method.
This configurator sets the initial value of the Name property. The maximum name length is 30 characters. This is a system name, so it must contain only alphanumeric and must not contain any diacritics (i.e. national dependent characters), empty string, spaces and first character must not be a number. |
Object type | Type of the object. |
The time of last editing | The saved time of last editing of the object. The value is set automatically to a current time when saving the edited Pma object. On the contrary, saving multiple objects simultaneously (the whole branch) will not cause the modification of this time in saved objects.
This stored edit time can also be used for "Find object by edit time ..." operation in the context menu of the object. |
Object path | The object name including the full path in the Pma object tree. This text can be inserted as first parameter of the PmaObject.Pm method. See GetPathName method. |
Text editing of the object | Opens the "Text editing of the object" configuration window where the content of the object can be viewed and edited in the text form. |
Object size and licence | Displays a window with Pma object extended information. The number of variables, number of panels and licences used in selected object and its subobjects. The number of variables is used to define application size.
Variables that are counted into the total application size are in objects PmaData, PmaOpcDaClientGroup, PmaTrendGroup, PmaCommGroup, PmaCommMsg, in obsolete objects PmaNumber and PmaString and in data extension ExtSubVar. The number of variables of the application expresses the extent and complexity of the application. The total number of application variables is the sum of all data variables of the application. According to the number of variables, the licence price is then defined. See Basic runtime licence and Price list. The information about current application size can be found in the Pma objects editor, in the root object (in the PmaRoot object), in the "Object size and licence" configurator. |
Object scripting language | Setting of the scripting language of the selected Pma object.
0 - vbscript
1 - javascript |
Member of logical groups | The list of the logical groups identifiers (the comma ',' is the separator), the object belongs into (it is a group member), see the "Logical groups" configuration window.
The logical group selection can be done in the "Member of logical groups" window. |
Object accessible via variable | Creation of the global variable (read only) with the reference to this object (in scripts, it is possible to refer to the object through this global variable). This configurator is considered obsolete and therefore it is hidden in new apps and in apps that did not use it.
Yes, from object name
Yes, manually entered name |
Name | Name of the created global variable (if is enabled) where the name can be laid from the prefix pmo and the object name or it can be entered manually. This is a system name, so it must contain only alphanumeric and must not contain any diacritics (i.e. national dependent characters), empty string, spaces and first character must not be a number. |
Pma object parameters | It allows to set the Pma object parameters (the "bubblingů system allows the parameter accessibility also for its subobjects). See Parameters of the Pma object.
This is a text in the KeyVal format. Caution for prototypes and instances: The PmaInstance object can receive only the parameters from the corresponding PmaPrototype object, and can enter modified values there. It means that the instance can modify the existing parameter values of the corresponding prototype. The instance, or the instance parents, cannot add new parameters. Instance (prototype) can access only the parameters defined in the prototype, but cannot access the parameters of instance parent. This way it is ensured that all instances of the individual prototype has the same set of parameters with different values. The PmaInstance object is therefore special from the parameter searching (bubbling) point of view, because the parameter search is terminated in this object and does not continue to the PmaInstance object parent. This way the instance of the prototype is isolated from other parameters present in the application. If it is necessary to obtain the value of the parameter for the prototype from the instanece parent, then the parameter must be created in the PmaPrototype object (the name can be the same or different) and refer to the parameter of the instance parent either here or in the PmaInstance object. The reference to the parent parameter is done by Macro expression $.par in the parameter value in the instance or prototype. For example in the prototype, create a new boiler parameter, and link the value to the boiler parameter value of the instance parent: boiler:$.par("boiler"); |
User description | User description of the Pma object. It allows the application designer to write down his notes or documentation directly into the Pma object. This type of documentation simplyfies the future maintenance in the application and orientation, especially for other designers. The user description is saved in the form of formatted text, may contain highlighting, new rows or links to another Pma objects.
The Links button allows to move between the Pma objects with user defined description easily. A window is displayed containing the object tree, where the objects containing the user defined descriptions are indicated as bold. The source form: The user description is written in the form of XML syntax, where the formatting is indicated by special marks. The Edit button allows the edit mode. The ""User description" window" configuration window is displayed.
The displayed form: The user description is displayed for viewing in formatted from. |