For local panel:
The method needs to be used only if the "
Refresh period (refresh)" configurator is checked in the
PmaPanel object. Otherwise the panels are refreshed themselves with the period set in the "
Panels timer period" configurator of the
PmaRoot object.
The method refreshes all
Pmg objects of this panel at a time. For the control refreshing only of some
Pmg objects, the
PmgObject.Refresh method can be used instead of this method.
After calling this method the
onRefresh event is triggered and also the
onRefresh event of all
Pmg objects of this panel.
For Web panel:
Web panels Refresh method can be used, if the Web page refresh rate is low (see the "
Refresh period of the Web panel [s]" configurator) and feedback script input from client to server (by calling
pMe.PmPanel.Methods) causes data change, displayed in the Web client. In such case after calling the
Methods it is usefull to call
Refresh causing instant data refresh on the client. See Example below.