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Vars - method of the PmaPanel object

Returns variable of the PmgRoot object in this panel. See Variables of the Pmg object.
This method is obsolete (but functional). It is not advisable to modify the properties of Pmg objects directly from outside the panel. A better method can be used inside the panel - PmgObject.Vars.
This method/property/event is considered obsolete and is functional only if the "Level of integration of the panel viewer and the local application" configurator is set to full - FULL access from scripts to the whole application (only for VBScript) and if the "Enable multiple opening of local panel" configurator IS NOT SET.
Object Vars(String sName)
sName(String) Name of the variable (case sensitive text)
These variables can be defined in the graphics editor in the PmgRoot object on the "Variables" tab.
See also:
- PmgObject.Vars (method)
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

// Setting the numeric value into the property of the types Double, Integer, Boolean, etc.
pMe.PmPanel.Vars("Numvar").Value = 100;

// Setting the color into the Colorvar variable of the Color type.
pMe.PmPanel.Vars("Colorvar").Value = "#ff0000";   // color setting by RGB String in the form "#RRGGBB"

// Setting the font into the Fontvar variable of the Font type.
pMe.PmPanel.Vars("Fontvar").Value = "PmSmallBold";

Pm8.03.00: obsolete
Pm8.02.00: changed to object
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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