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Copy into new PmaPrototype object - configuration window

The window serves for setting the parameters of copying the PmaFolder object into new global PmaPrototype object. All subobjects and properties of the source PmaFolder object will be copied into the prototype.
This configuration window can be opened by "Copy into new PmaPrototype object ..." option in the context menu of the PmaFolder object.
PmaFolder objectPath to source PmaFolder object.
Convert PmaFolder to PmaInstance objectIf checked, then the selected PmaFolder object will be converted to the PmaInstance object and them removed including all subobjects. Name of the prototype in instance will be automatically set to selected name of the new PmaPrototype object.
Global prototype nameName of the new PmaPrototype object.
Path to global prototypePath to new PmaPrototype object.

Pm9.00.10: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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