vData | (Variant) Value or array of values. The number of values unambiguously corresponds to the number of variables in the sWhat parameter.
The order of variables in the sWhat string specifies the order of values in the vData array if more variables are defined in the sWhat. If the sWhat parameter contains only one variable, then there is either a single value or an array with one item in vData. |
sWhat | (String) Specification of the variable (or of variables) whose stored value(s) has to be passed. It is possible to enter, for example, "a1;" or "a1;a2;a3;" if there has to be written into the array of variables on the "Data" tab.
At the variables it is necessary to keep the order by the order on the tab. For example, if the order of variables is a1,a2,a3,... on the tab, then in the parameter it is possible to enter, for example, "a1;a3;" but "a3;a1" is wrong. |
tTime | (Date) Time whose record of variables values has to be searched. |
nTimeType | (Long) Time type in the tTime parameter.
1 - tTime is "local time" (the "standard time" in the standard season and the "daylight-saving time" in the daylight-saving season, corresponds to the computer time depending on the locale setting of Windows system).
2 - tTime is "standard time" (in the daylight-saving and standard season). |
sParam | (String) Way of searching the time specified in the tTime parameter.
"eq:xxx" - A record whose timestamp equals the tTime time, is searched. The string xxx specifies the precision of the equality.
For xxx the values Nsec, Nmin are enabled, where N is a real number that sets the number seconds, respectively the number of minutes. If, for example, 15 seconds (...,14:00,14:15,14:30,...) values are stored by the PmaTrendGroup object, then after entering tTime=14:17, sParam="eq:3sec", the record of variables with a timestamp 14:15 will be found. |
var oTrend = pMe.Pm("/Trends");
var vData = Pm.Array1(10, 20);
var tTime = Pm.CreateDate(2023, 3, 22, 12, 30, 30, 500);
// tTime setting
if (oTrend.SetValueByTime(vData, "a0;a1", tTime, 1, "eq:1sec"))
// variables a0,a1 are overwritten by values 10,20 successfully.