ID - property of the tvTrend object
Identifier that unambiguously specifies the tvTrend object.
Property access
for read and write.
The default value of this property is defined in the "
tvTrend > Basic settings > Trend ID" configurator of this object.
This property is also functional in
Web panels.
The property is set, for example, when the object is created by calling the
PmgTrendViewer.AddTrend method.
tvTrend objects with the same
ID cannot exist in the
PmgTrendViewer object.
No diacritic characters (i.e. national dependent characters) can occur in the
ID string.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var oTView = pMe.Items("../TrendView");
var oTrend = oTView.Trends(0);
if (oTrend)
var sId = oTrend.ID;
// Reading from the property
oTrend.ID = "trend3";
// Writing into the property
Dim oTView
Set oTView = pMe.Items("../TrendView")
Dim oTrend
Set oTrend = oTView.Trends(0)
If Not oTrend Is Nothing Then
Dim sId
sId = oTrend.ID
' Reading from the property
oTrend.ID = "trend3"
' Writing into the property
End If