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Trends - method of the PmgTrendViewer object

Returns tvTrend object.
Object Trends(Variant vTrend)
vTrend(Variant) vTrend is
- either the index into the container array of trends (zero-based index)
- or the tvTrend.ID identifier.
-2 - Returns the last tvTrend object in the container.
-4 - Returns the active object (displayed over the other tvTrend objects) according to setting the TrendActive property.
0,1,2,... - Returns object specified by index (zero-based index).
"ID" - Returns the tvTrend object whose ID property equals to ID.
This method is also functional in Web panels.
If the object specified in the vTrend parameter does not exist then the method returns: null for JavaScript or Nothing for VBScript (it can be tested by the Pm.IsValid method). See the example.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oTView = pMe.Items("../TrendView");
var oTrend = oTView.Trends("t1");

if (oTrend)
oTrend.ValueMin = 100;
oTrend.ValueMax = 200;
// .. error
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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