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Attributes - tab of the PmgWCombo object

Attributes of the PmgWCombo object. There are also additional configurators on the tab Combo.
SortIf checked, then texts in the list are always sorted.
This configurator is not functional in Web panels.
Vertical scrollbarIf checked, then a vertical scrollbar is entered into the object.
UpperCaseIf checked, then only upper cases are inserted (lower cases are converted to upper cases)
LowerCaseIf checked, then only lower cases are inserted (upper cases are converted to lower cases)
Return initial data on Esc keyIf checked, then the overwritten value is restored by pressing the Esc key (editing isn't terminated) on entering new value (overwriting another value) in the running application.
Write data on Enter keyIf checked, then the entered value is written into the data binding of the "Selected value" configurator (if a data binding is defined) by pressing the Enter key on entering new value (overwriting another value) in the running application.
Write data on losing focusIf checked, then the entered value is written even on losing the focus on entering new value (overwriting another value) in the running application.
Write data on menu selectionIf checked, then the entered value is written even on the selection from menu.
Move to next object on Enter keyIf checked, then by pressing the Enter key in the running application the focus is moved to the next Pmg object in the order.
Before sending data ask for confirmationIf checked, then once the editing is finished the confirmation window is displayed (before the value itself is written into the object).
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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