Update cookies preferences

AddOption - method of the PmgWCombo object

Adds an option into the list (hidden values and visible text).
If the "Sort" configurator isn't set, then the text is added to the end of the list, otherwise the text is inserted to the corresponding position.
Empty AddOption(String sOption)
sOption(String) Added option in the form: value=text, where
- value represents the hidden value of the option (identifier),
- text represents the displayed text of the option itself.
This method is also functional in Web panels. The Macro expression $.text in the parameter is not functional for the Web (the localized texts are not directly accessible on the Web). The solution is using #pragma variable x = Macro("macro expression") in the script.
See also:
The example updates the list.
At first it clears the list, then adds three rows and then selects (by index) the third row.
Consequentially it finds the selected text, hidden value and index.
Then the text that is on the 2nd row and finally the number of rows in the list is detected.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oCombo = pMe.Items("/WCombo");

var sSelText = oCombo.SelectedText;
var sSelValue = oCombo.SelectedValue;
var nSelIndex = oCombo.SelectedIndex;

var sText = oCombo.Options(1);
var nCount = oCombo.OptionsCount;
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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