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List of the licence types of the PROMOTIC system

According to the assigned licence the development environment and runtime environment of the PROMOTIC system are launched.
For example it can be launched without the licence key (without the HW Key), with development licence PmDevProf, with runtime licence PmRt100, PmRt500, PmRt1000, PmRt5000, PmRt50000, PmRtProf, etc.
If the system is launched without any licence key then the assigned licence depends on setting the "Runtime licence type" configurator. The description of all PROMOTIC modes, limitations and behavior follows.

The identifier of the current mode for both runtime environment and runtime environment can be found in the running application on following places:
- in the main window of the development environment in the toolbar on the upper right
- in the "/System/Licence" item of the INFO system

List of development licences

- PmDevNone: The development environment cannot be launched.

- PmDevFree: Free development environment (see PmDevFree).
This licence is assigned if the application is launched without the licence key and its size is up to100 variables.
Limitation: it is not possible to create more than 100 variables in the application.
The application can be launched for testing purposes in runtime PmRtTestFree, or for applications up to 30 variables and 10 graphic panels can be operated in a PmRtFree mode.

- PmDevProf: Full development environment.
This licence is assigned if the application is launched with the PmDevProf licence.
There is no limitation for application development with this licence.
The application can be launched in runtime PmRtTestProf for testing purposes.

- PmDevForRt: The development environment enabled in the runtime licence.
This licence is assigned if the application is launched with runtime licence containing the PmDevForRt component.
There is no limitation for application development.

List of runtime licences

- PmRtNone: The runtime environment cannot be launched.
This licence is assigned if the application is launched without the licence key and its size is above 100 variables (or if it is smaller than 100 variables, but the "Runtime licence type" configurator is set to "LicKey2 - according to the licence key (disable PmRtTestFree)").

- PmRtFree: Free runtime environment (see PmRtFree).
This licence is assigned if the application is launched without any licence key, with the size up to 30 variables and 10 graphic panels and the "Runtime licence type" configurator is set to "PmRtFree - free runtime, limited application size".
The runtime runs for unlimited time period, all components are fully functional (communications, databases ...) and two PmWebClient are enabled.

- PmRt100: The runtime environment with the PmRt100 licence.
This licence is assigned if the application is launched with this licence and the application size is up to 100 variables.

- PmRt500: The runtime environment with the PmRt500 licence key.
This licence is assigned if the application is launched with this licence and the application size is up to 500 variables.

- PmRt1000: The runtime environment with the PmRt1000 licence key.
This licence is assigned if the application is launched with this licence and the application size is up to 1 000 variables.

- PmRt5000: The runtime environment with the PmRt5000 licence key.
This licence is assigned if the application is launched with this licence and the application size is up to 5 000 variables.

- PmRt50000: The runtime environment with the PmRt50000 licence.
This licence is assigned if the application is launched with this licence and the application size is up to 50 000 variables.

- PmRtProf: The runtime environment with the PmRtProf licence.
This licence is assigned if the application is launched with this licence. The size of the application is not limited.

- PmRtTestFree: The testing runtime environment for the development environment in the PmDevFree mode.
This licence is assigned if the application is launched without any licence key, with the size up to 100 variables and the "Runtime licence type" configurator is set to "PmRtFree - free runtime, limited application size". This licence contains the warning windows and time limitation of the application runtime up to 1 hour. All components are fully functional (communications, databases ...) and two PmWebClient are enabled.
Must not be runned as a real application.

- PmRtTestProf: Testing runtime environment for the development environment in the PmDevProf mode.
This licence is assigned if the application is launched with PmDevProf licence.
The runtime runs for 7 days time period (for testing purposes) and then the application is stopped and an information window is displayed.
Warning window is displayed every hour (this window does not affect the functionality of the application), all components are fully functional (communications, databases ...) and 10 PmWebClient are enabled.
Must not be runned as a real application.

- PmRtDemo: The runtime environment designed for DEMO application purposes.
This licence is assigned if the application is launched without any licence key and the "Runtime licence type" configurator is set to "PmRtDemo - demo runtime, unlimited application size".
The application opens a warning window when launched and then runns for 1 hour. All components (communications, databases, ...) are functional in this application and one PmWebClient is enabled.
The designer can create own DEMO applications in the PROMOTIC system, including for example real communication with selected device and offer them to his customers for the demonstration purposes.
Must not be runned as a real application.

The PROMOTIC system with no licence key

The list above implies, that the PROMOTIC system can be runned without buying the licence. When no licence is purchased, the following modes are available:

If the application size is up to 30 variables and 10 graphic panels and the "Runtime licence type" configurator is set to "PmRtFree - free runtime, limited application size", then the PmDevFree and PmRtFree modes are turned on.
This kind of application can be runner freely as a freeware. See: PmFree - Free development environment and runtime licence of the PROMOTIC system.

Free development environment:
If the application size is up to 100 variables, then the PmDevFree mode is turned on.
This way it is possibel to develop an applications for the PmRt100 licence without the need to buy the development environment.

Free application demo:
If the "Runtime licence type" configurator is set to "PmRtDemo - demo runtime, unlimited application size", then the PmRtDemo mode is on.
This way, it is possible to create a functional DEMO from any application of any size, suitable for offering to customers for the purpose of presentation.

Pm8.03.00: discontinued modes DevSchool and RtSchool
Pm8.00.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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