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Filtering string

Filtering text specifies which alarms are to be included into the desired output.
Different filtration fields can be used simultaneously, the alarm then must comply with all of them (e.g. "desc:FIQ100;priority.ge:5;").
The filtering text xx must not be empty string (e.g. cannot be set "desc:;").
Entries are in the KeyVal format, for example "desc:Test2;records:50;".
The folowing types of filtration texts exist ("field" represents some of the alarm columns):
"field:xx;" means that the corresponding alarm field must be equal to the value xx.
"field:#eq:xx;" means that the corresponding alarm field must be equal to the value xx. If the corresponding alarm field is to be equal to one of several texts, then can be entered multiple texts separated by #or:.
"field:#begin:xx;" means that the corresponding alarm field must begin with the text xx.
If the corresponding alarm field is to begin with some of several texts, then can be entered multiple texts separated by #or:.
"field:#in:xx;" means that the corresponding alarm field must contain the text xx.
If the corresponding alarm field is to contain some of several texts, then can be entered multiple texts separated by #or:.
"field:#le:xx;" means that the corresponding alarm field must be less then or equal to xx.
"field:#ge:xx;" means that the corresponding alarm field must be greater or equal to xx.
Note! If the field begins with the text s., then this is the setting hidden from the enduser in the alarm viewer and serves for setting the definite script filtration independently on end user settings. Both filtration type fields can be used for a single column simultaneously. In order to let the alarm pass the filter it must comly to both filtering fields. This can be handy for setting script filtrations (independent on enduser) and also for setting the initial state of user defined filtration (can be modified by the enduser). For example s.source:#begin:Boiler;source:Boiler1;.

Filtering string items

The filtering string is in the KeyVal format. It may contain various items depending on whether it is alarm state or alarm history and whether it is a viewer or scripting method returning alarms.
"state:xx;" (optional) - (states only) Displays alarms whose state equals to the state xx. Multiple states (separated by comma) can be entered.
For example "state:3,2,1;".
"hoot:xx;" (optional) - (states only) Displays alarms by sound notification, where xx:
0 = alarms sounding
1 = alarms not sounding
"area:#oper:xx;" (optional) - Displays alarms with area meets the defined operation #oper:xx. The part of the filter dependent on user setting in the alarm viewer.
For example "area:BoilerPlant1;" or "area:#eq:BoilerPlant1;" or "area:#eq:BoilerPlant1#or:BoilerPlant2;" or "area:#begin:BoilerPlant;".
"s.area:#oper:xx;" (optional) - Displays alarms with area meets the defined operation #oper:xx. The part of the filter hidden from the user in the alarm viewer.
For example "s.area:BoilerPlant1;" or "s.area:#eq:BoilerPlant1;" or "s.area:#eq:BoilerPlant1#or:BoilerPlant2;" or "s.area:#begin:BoilerPlant;".
"source:#oper:xx;" (optional) - Displays alarms with source meets the defined operation #oper:xx. The part of the filter dependent on user setting in the alarm viewer.
For example "source:Boiler;" or "source:#eq:Boiler;" or "source:#eq:Boiler1#or:Boiler2;" or "source:#begin:Boiler;".
"s.source:#oper:xx;" (optional) - Displays alarms with source meets the defined operation #oper:xx. The part of the filter hidden from the user in the alarm viewer.
For example "s.source:Boiler;" or "s.source:#eq:Boiler;" or "s.source:#eq:Boiler1#or:Boiler2;" or "s.source:#begin:Boiler;".
"desc:#oper:xx;" (optional) - Displays alarms with description (desc) meets the defined operation #oper:xx. The part of the filter dependent on user setting in the alarm viewer.
For example "desc:FIQ101;" or "desc:#eq:FIQ101;" or "desc:#eq:FIQ101#or:FIQ102;" or "desc:#begin:FIQ;".
"s.desc:#oper:xx;" (optional) - Displays alarms with description (desc) meets the defined operation #oper:xx. The part of the filter hidden from the user in the alarm viewer.
For example "s.desc:FIQ101;" or "s.desc:#eq:FIQ101;" or "s.desc:#eq:FIQ101#or:FIQ102;" or "s.desc:#begin:FIQ;".
"comment:#oper:xx;" (optional) - Displays alarms with comment meets the defined operation #oper:xx. The part of the filter dependent on user setting in the alarm viewer.
For example "comment:correction;" or "comment:#eq:correction;" or "comment:#eq:correction#or:test;" or "comment:#begin:correction;".
"s.comment:#oper:xx;" (optional) - Displays alarms with comment meets the defined operation #oper:xx. The part of the filter hidden from the user in the alarm viewer.
For example "s.comment:correction;" or "s.comment:#eq:correction;" or "s.comment:#eq:correction#or:test;" or "s.comment:#begin:correction;".
"s.usernote:#oper:xx;" (optional) - Displays alarms with usernote meets the defined operation #oper:xx. The part of the filter hidden from the user in the alarm viewer.
For example "s.usernote:correction;" or "s.usernote:#eq:correction;" or "s.usernote:#eq:correction#or:test;" or "s.usernote:#begin:correction;".
"priority:#oper:xx;" (optional) - Displays alarms whose priority meets the operation #oper:xx. The part of the filter dependent on user setting in the alarm viewer.
For example "priority:5;" or "priority:#eq:5;" or "priority:#le:5;" or "priority:#ge:5;".
"records:xx;" (optional) - (history only) It allows to define (reduce) the number of desired alarms, satisfying the filter criteria. The alarm search is terminated after the number of found items reaches the defined count.
Together with the time span limitation the alarms can also be limited to a certain portion. Using the normal filter would make the search go through all the alarms including the backup records. It is therefore handy to limit the filters in order to search only the desired portion of the alarm history.
"scanrecords:xx;" (optional) - (history only) It allows to set (reduce) the number of all tested (browsed) alarms, regardless of whether the alarms meet the filter criteria or not. After the number of tested alarms reaches the defined value the testing is terminated. This option allows to prevent the system from searching within too many items in history if the number of desired search results is not reached.
"from:xx;" (optional) - (history only) Displays the alarms with creation time (timeon) greater or equal to time "xx". The time is entered in the form time(YYYY.MM.DD-hh:mm:ss.mmm), e.g. "from:time(2024.07.28-14:30:00.000);". The Time-range allows to narrow down the searched alarm set (alarms outside the time-range are not tested).
"to:xx;" (optional) - (history only) Displays the alarms with creation time (timeon) less then or equal to time "xx". The time is entered in the form time(YYYY.MM.DD-hh:mm:ss.mmm), e.g. "to:time(2024.07.28-15:00:00.000);".
The to time can be entered also by the now keyword, which means the current time (at the moment of calling), e.g. to:now.
The Time-range allows to narrow down the searched alarm set (alarms outside the time-range are not tested).
"timerange:xx;" (optional) - (history only) Displays the alarms with the creation time (timeon) belonging to specified time-range For selecting the time span by timerange, either the value of from or to must be defined, where the timerange allows to compute the missing limit of the time-range. Thus the time-range can be defined by the following pairs: from - to, from - timerange or to - timerange. For example to:now;timerange:30m;. Time-range allows to reduce the portion of alarm items to be searched (alarms outside the time-range are not tested).
The time-range can be entered as integer followed by time unit sign (without spaces). Valid time units are: w = week, d = day, h = hour, m = minute, s = second. For example timerange:12h; or timerange:90m;.
"lang:xx;" (optional) - (only scripting methods) Specifies the language to be used for evaluated localized texts. Language is determined with a text identifier, e.g. "en", "de", "ru" etc. - see Fully supported languages in the PROMOTIC system. If not set, then the language currently used in the application will be used - therefore it is not necessary to define this option under normal circumstances. See the "Main language of runtime" configurator.
"headers:xx;" (optional) - (only scripting methods) Specifies whether the output list will contain (on first and/or second row) also the column names (localized texts) while being viewed.
title - The first/second row of the output list will contain the column names (localized texts) while being viewed.
id - The first/second row of the output list will contain the system column names (identifiers) while being viewed.

Pm9.00.07: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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