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Object PmaAlarmGroup (Alarm group)

The object provides storage of states and history of alarms. Detailed description see Alarm and Event system.
This object inherits properties, methods and events of the PmaObject object.
Properties and methods of this object:
Acknowledge()Alarm item acknowledgment
Activate()Activation of an existing alarm item
ActivateNew()Dynamic creation and activation of the alarm item
AreaArea of an alarm group
FindGroup()Find alarm group according to specified criteria
GetHistoryData()Obtains the data from history of alarms
GetStateCount()The number of alarms with given state
GetStateData()Obtains the data from current state of alarms
GroupIdGroup identifier
GroupParentReturns reference to parent group
GroupTitleDisplayed group name
Inactivate()Alarm item inactivation
Item()Access to one alarm item
QuitSound()Termination of currently active sound signal of the alarm item
RegisterNew()Dynamic creating of the alarm item
Obsolete properties and methods:
WndHistory()Alarm history viewer
WndState()Alarm state viewer
Properties and methods inherited from the PmaObject object:
AddEvent()Registers a function into the specified event
GetOwnedByIndex()Returns the subobject defined by its index
GetOwnedByName()Returns reference to the subobject defined by its name
GetOwnedByType()Returns an array of references to the subobjects
GetOwnedNum()Returns number of subobjects in the object
GetPar()Reading the value of the Pma object parameter (or its parents)
GetPathName()Object name with the path to this object
GetPermission()Returns permission of corresponding operation from object
MethodsAccess to designer methods of this object
NameObject name (without the path)
ParentReturns reference to the parent Pma object
Pm()Returns reference to the Pma object or to its implementation subobject
RemoveEvent()Unregisters the function in the specified event
RootReturns reference to the root application object PmaRoot
Events of this object:
onStateChangeIs triggered when alarm item state change
onUserItemActionIs triggered when selecting the corresponding action in the alarm state viewer by the local/net user
Events inherited from the PmaObject object:
onStartIs triggered for each object in runtime only once at the beginning
onStopIs triggered for each Pma object in runtime only once at the stop of the application
Configuration tabs:
ObjectGeneral information about the object
EventsDefinition of object events algorithms
GroupBasic parameters of an alarm group
ItemsDefinition of alarm items
StorageAlarm group storage
PermissionsObject permissions
Web serverThe link-up of the object to Web server
Related objects:
PmAlarmItem(Alarm item) Alarm item
AlarmAnalogData extension for alarm the numeric value
AlarmBinaryData extension for alarm the two-state value

Pm9.00.12: Fixed bug: Bugfix of dynamic PmAlarmItem and onStateChange.
Pm9.00.00: Object name changed: PmAlarmEvent -> PmaAlarmGroup
Pm8.03.17: Fixed bug: Correct listing of items sortet backwards in time Filtration string can now be entered also in Chrome browser on the Web.
Pm8.03.15: In the history viewer the placement of time navigation buttons has been optimized.
- Bugfix when opening alarm/event viewer on the Web. If $vb was used then in the alarm group identifier the expression was evaluated as empty.
- Bugfix of memory data overwrite on writing into DBF (DBF alarms) if the written value size exceded the column size in DBF.
- The history data can now be saved also in Database MySQL cyclic and Database FireBird cyclic (see the "Storage type" configurator).
- In the Acknowledge method, now it is possible to enter the national language of acknowledging user.
- The texts localization for national languages has been improved in Web client.
Pm8.02.16: Fixed bug: on the "Items" tab, there are new buttons for import/export of items.
Pm8.02.14: Fixed bug: (alarm history viewer):
- Fixed bug: while the filter was on and with remote alarms (if Storage type = Remote connection via the Web) the scrollbar did not work correctly.
- Optimization of search and reading of data from history files.
Pm8.02.13: Fixed bug: If the "Delete inactive acknowledged (green) (valid only for dynamically created items)" configurator was set in the alarm state viewer, then the alarms were not displayed in the alarm history viewer.
Pm8.02.12: Fixed bug: The filtration text is now also transferred when switching between history viewer and status viewer.
Pm8.02.07: Fixed bug: The GetStateData method did not return data if the type was set to "Remote connection via the Web".
Pm8.01.10: If set for the Remote connection via the Web type, then the filtering text did not work if diacritic characters (i.e. national dependent characters) was used.
- The AckerId property was returning incorrect value.
- If the XML configuration file contained an error, then the alarm viewer was unable to open.
- new configurators: Change inactive acknowledged (green) CEASED to NEW non-initialized alarms in [s] (-1=never) and 2 = Hide only new non-initialized allow to set the alarm viewers so the alarms in the state inactive acknowledged [green] will be displayed in the alarm state viewer only for a defined period of time - for example for 10 hours, so the following shift operators see what was going on previously.
- events onStateChange and onUserItemAction now contain a new pEvent.Context parameter that allows to identify for example the network user that confirmed some alarm.
Pm8.00.06: Generalization: The "Delete inactive acknowledged (green) (valid only for dynamically created items)" configurator has new option "2 = Hide only new non-initialized".
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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