The default format for the
dBase is the
*.dbf file. It is commonly used in many applications, where a simple format for storing structured data is needed.
Work with dBase database
- At
dBase III,IV it is necessary to enter table names up to 8 characters at the most (if the name is longer than 8 characters, then the database cannot be opened by the
PmaDatabase object). Also the column names can have maximum 8 characters.
- The total number of columns in the table is limited.
dBase files can be created also by saving the data by the
PmaTrendGroup object (if the "
Storage type" configurator in this object is set to
Database dBase backups). In this case the file name is longer than
8 characters, and therefore cannot be opened by the
PmaDatabase object, but it is readable, for example, by
Microsoft Excel program.
The database can be filled:
- by the
PmaAdo object via the
ADO Provider Microsoft dBase Driver (*.dbf) or
Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0. or
For next descriptions to the
dBase, see: