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The Oracle company delivers Oracle, the client/server database product (in time of writing there is available the last version Oracle 11g). For development purposes Oracle products are available to be downloaded in the full verion FREE OF CHARGE on the Web pages OTN (Oracle Technology Network http://otn.oracle.com). The licence fee is paid after it is set commercially.

Work with Oracle database
- The ODBC driver from Microsoft has limited support for the TIMESTAMP data type. When using this driver for accessing the Oracle database, the date and time cannot be stored with the precision more than 1 second. The ODBC driver supplied with the Oracle database doesn't have this shortage (it stores with the precision up to split seconds).
- It is possible to write into the database by the PmaTrendGroup object if the "Storage type" configurator is set to Database Oracle cyclic in this object.

The database can be filled:
- by the PmaTrendGroup object, if in this object the "Storage type" configurator is set to Database Oracle cyclic
- by the PmaAlarmGroup object, if in this object the "Storage type" configurator is set to Database Oracle cyclic
- by the PmaAdo object
- by the PmaDatabase object (obsolete) via named ODBC data source

For next descriptions to the Oracle, see:
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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