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Examples of using the dBase database

dBase database in the PmaTrendGroup object

- When creating the object from Preconfiguration "PmaTrendGroup - Trend group" the "Storage type" configurator set to: Database dBase backups.
- In a newly created PmaTrendGroup object, on the "Storage" tab, the "Storage type" configurator set to: Database dBase backups.
The trend values can be defined on the "Data" tab or in the ExtTrend of the PmaData object.
If the database files do not exist, then these will be created on first application launch, when the Run method is called (or the RunTime method) of the PmaTrendGroup object. Or automatically by checking the "Automatic saving after launch is enabled" configurator on the "Trend" tab.

dBase database in the PmaDatabase object

- When creating the object from Preconfiguration "PmaDatabase - Database", select: dBase.
- In a newly created PmaDatabase object, on the "Database" tab, set the configurators: Technology, Database (file, folder, data source), Table (file), etc.

dBase database in the PmaAdo object

- When creating the object from Preconfiguration "PmaAdo - ADO database", select the database type: dBase and in the "Database connection parameters" configurator select: DBase - Provider Microsoft orDBase - Provider Jet.4.
- In the "Database connection parameters" configurator it is necessary to modify the filename and path to the database files folder.
The PmaAdo object is created, containing the DtiOper method on the "Methods" tab. This method represents the basic inteface for working with database tables and can be used, for example, by the Preconfiguration "Panel with editable table viewer of data source" viewer.

The interface uses the ADO technology that can be extended by additional functionality:
Creates new table data with columns nTime (time), 'flags' (integer) and 'value1' (real number).
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

pMe.DbExecute("", "CREATE TABLE data (nTime CHAR, flags NUMERIC, value1 FLOAT)", "");
Removes data table
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

pMe.DbExecute("", "DROP TABLE data", "");
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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- Examples of using the dBase database
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