Preconfigurations in group "PLC devices and meters"
This preconfiguration list is opened when creating a new object (e.g. by
"New object ..." in the context menu of the object or by pressing the
Insert key after selecting the object).
The preconfigurations in this group create object(s), with some desired functionality. The object creation can be performed in the
PmaRoot objects, and only some in the
PmaPanel object. After selecting the preconfiguration a new object is created (usually
PmaFolder or
PmaPanel), where another subobjects can be created, all configured in order to provide the desired functionality.
Creating the object via the preconfiguration is therefore much easier then creating object from the group
Basic, where the objects created are "empty" and it is necessary to configure them properly.
Preconfiguration list:
PLC devices and meters
Koyo: Preconfigurations for communication driver
Fatek: Preconfigurations for communication driver
JUMO: Communication with meters by the
JUMO company
Lumel: Communication with meters by the
Lumel company
eWON: Communication possibilities with eWON.
TECO: Preconfigurations for communication driver
West: Communication with meters of the
West company
Finder: Communication with meters by the
Finder company
POZYTON: Communication with meters by the
POZYTON company