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Menu for selecting the position change mode of Pmg objects

This menu is opened by clicking the mouse the icon (Menu for selecting the position change mode of Pmg objects) in the toolbar of the graphics editor.
The menu allows selecting the mode that specifies if and in which direction it is allowed to change the position of selected Pmg objects in the graphics editor.
Restriction of position change in horizontal or vertical direction only applies to moving of Pmg objects by the mouse.
If the change of position is disabled, then the positions and sizes of of Pmg objects cannot be changed by the mouse or keyboard.

Menu items:
- Enable position change in all directions: Changing the position of selected Pmg objects is allowed in all directions.
- Enable position change in horizontal direction: Changing the position of selected Pmg objects is allowed only in the horizontal direction.
- Enable position change in vertical direction: Changing the position of selected Pmg objects is allowed only in the vertical direction.
- Disable position and size change: Changing the position and size of selected Pmg objects is disabled.

Pm9.00.25: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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