This menu is opened after pressing the right mouse button over the selected object in the
Menu items:
- New Pmg object... (Ins): Inserts new Pmg object into the selected Pmg object.
New prototype... (Ins): Inserts new
PmgPrototype object into the prototype list. This menu option is visible only if the
#Prototypes item is selected in the
Pmg object tree.
- Cut (Ctrl+X): Moves selected Pmg object into the Windows clipboard.
- Copy (Ctrl+C): Copies selected Pmg object into the Windows clipboard.
- Insert into the object (Ctrl+V): Inserts object from the Windows clipboard into the selected Pmg object.
Paste special (Ctrl+Shift+V): Opens the
Insert Pmg objects window to select various options for inserting objects from the Windows clipboard.
- Rename (F2): Renames selected object.
- Remove (Del): Removes selected object and all its subobjects.
- Create copy of object (Ctrl+Shift+Ins): Creates a copy of the active Pmg object next to it.
Convert to the PmgBox object: Converts the
PmgInstance object to the
PmgBox object.
- Disable in runtime (Ctrl+L): Disables usage of selected object in runtime.
- Enable in runtime (Ctrl+L): Enables usage of selected object in runtime.
Move: Moves the selected
Pmg object in the
Pmg object tree to the selected position.
This will also move the object in the memory order, which can affect, for example, the visibility of overlapping objects.
- Move item up: Moves selected item one position up.
- Move item down: Moves selected item one position down.
- Move item to the top: Moves the selected object in the Pmg object tree to the first position in front of all other objects on the same level.
- Move item to the bottom: Moves the selected object in the Pmg object tree to the last position behind all other objects on the same level.
Subobjects: Operations over the subobjects of the selected
Pmg object
Move the subobjects into the PmgRoot object: Moves all subobjects from the selected
Pmg object into the
PmgRoot object.
- Cut the subobjects: Cuts all subobjects from the selected Pmg object and inserts them into the Windows clipboard.
- Copy the subobjects: Copies all subobjects of the selected Pmg object into the Windows clipboard.
- Remove subobjects: Deletes all subobjects of the selected Pmg object
Find text ... (Ctrl+F): Opens the "
Find text" configuration window, where the text search parameters in the
Pmg object tree can be set.
Text editing of the object ... (Ctrl+B): Opens the "
Text editing of the object" configuration window where the content of the object can be viewed and edited in the text form.
- Export object ...: Opens a window for export configuration of selected object.
- Import into the object ...: Opens a window for file selection for import into selected object.