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mapAdd - method of the PmMap object

Sets multiple values of selected object properties (creates the corresponding properties if needed).
Object mapAdd(Variant arglist)
arglist(Variant) The method has a variable number of parameters, but the number must always be even. The parameters represent pairs of property name and set value.
Return value:
The method returns the same object it was called upon. This is just a helping instrument so the PmMap object can be created in the one row and fill it with values - see Example.
This method is also functional in Web panels.
See also:
- Pm.CreatePmMap (method)
- PmArray.Array1 (method)
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var mMap = Pm.CreatePmMap().mapAdd("Temperature", 85, "Pressure", 1.2);
var val = mMap.mapGetValueAt("Temperature");
// val contains 85

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PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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