GetVisible - method of the PmfTreeItem object
Returns the visibility of the tree item.
Long GetVisible([Long nType])
nType | [optional] (Long) Specifies whether the method returns basic or extended information about item visibility.
0 (default) - Returns basic information about item visibility, i.e. the value 1 if the item is visible, otherwise the value 0.
1 - Returns extended information about item visibility, i.e. values 0, 1, 2. See return value. |
Return value:
0 - The item is not visible, i.e. some of the parent items are collapsed.
1 - The item is visible, i.e. the parent item is expanded.
2 - The item is displayed in the visible portion of the tree, i.e. the parent item is expanded and the scrollbar is positioned so the item is in the visible portion of the tree. (only for nType = 1).
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var nVisible = oTreeItem.GetVisible();