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SetVisible - method of the PmfTreeItem object

Sets the visibility of the tree item.
Empty SetVisible(Long nType)
nType(Long) Specifies whether the item is visible or hidden.
0 - Hides the item, i.e. collapses the parent item.
After the collapsing, the onExpand event is triggered.
1 - Makes the item visible,
i.e. expands all necessary parent items, but does not change the position of the scrollbar in the tree, so the item can be located outside the visible section of the tree.
After the expansion, the onExpand event is triggered.
2 - Makes the item visible,
i.e. expands all necessary parent items, and sets the position of the scrollbar in the tree, so the item is located in the visible section of the tree.
After the expansion, the onExpand event is triggered.
This method is also functional in Web panels.
See also:
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

oTreeItem1.SetVisible(0);   // Hides the item
oTreeItem1.SetVisible(1);   // Makes the item visible
oTreeItem1.SetVisible(2);   // Makes the item visible and sets the position of the scrollbar

Pm9.00.26: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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