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DbIsOpen - method of the PmaAdo object

Test whether the PmaAdo object has the database connection.
Boolean DbIsOpen()
Return value:
true - The PmaAdo object is connected to the database defined by means of the DbConnectionString property (e.g. by calling the DbOpen method).
false - The PmaAdo object is not connected to the database. It means that the database was not opened at all or it was disconnected by calling the DbClose method.
See also:
- PmaAdo.DbOpen (method)
- PmaAdo.DbClose (method)
Test whether the PmaAdo object ("/TestAdoDb") is connected to the database.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oDb = pMe.Pm("/TestAdoDb");
if (oDb.DbIsOpen())
// ...

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PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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