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Object AdoRecordset (ADO Recordset)

The ADO Recordset object represents a set of records. It is an object implemented from the ADO technology by the Microsoft company. Only the most important properties and methods will be described in the PROMOTIC documentation. The exact description of the object interface see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms681510(v=VS.85).aspx or http://www.w3schools.com/asp/ado_ref_recordset.asp.

The ADO Recordset object: The AdoRecordset object represents the resulting data of the SQL query. The data may consist of arbitrary number of records, where each record of the corresponding AdoRecordset object has the same structure (AdoField objects). The data are represented by a table, where each record corresponds to a row and the columns consist of the AdoField objects.

Current record: One of the records can be selected as current record. It is the one record that is currently being worked with. A wide set of operations refer to the current record. In order to move the current record cursor within the AdoRecordset object many methods can be used, for example MoveFirst, MoveNext, etc. There can be only one selected current record in the AdoRecordset object, or there can be none. When moving through the records one by one (forward or backward), forward by the MoveNext method (or backward by the MovePrevious method), finaly the selected current record will get to the position of last (or first) record and the move ends there. The EOF property (BOF) serves for indicating that the cursor reached the end (beginning) of the recordset.

The ADO Record object:
Depending on the specific ADO Provider it is possible, that a single row result of the SQL query will not be returned in the form of the AdoRecordset object containing a single record, but in the form of the AdoRecord object (represents the single row). However, this is not typical of the most commonly used ADO Providers. The AdoRecord object is usually returned by explicit operations, when the specific AdoRecord is returned from the existing AdoRecordset object. The AdoRecord object consists of multiple AdoField objects, the same way as the AdoRecordset object. The difference is that the methods for moving the current record position are not supported (e.g. MoveFirst).
In order to keep the documentation PROMOTIC simple, it will be referred only to the commonly returned AdoRecordset object, although in some special cases the system may also return the AdoRecord object.
AbsolutePageThe property returns or sets a value that specifies the page number in the AdoRecordset object.
AbsolutePositionThe property returns or sets a value that specifies the ordinal position of the current record in the AdoRecordset object.
ActiveCommandReturns the Command object associated with the AdoRecordset object.
ActiveConnectionThe property returns or sets a definition for a connection if the connection is closed, or the current Connection object if the connection is open.
BOFDetects whether the current record position is before the first record in the AdoRecordset object
BookmarkThe property returns or sets a bookmark. The bookmark saves the current record position.
CacheSizeThe property returns or sets the number of records that can be cached.
CursorLocationThe property returns or sets the location of the cursor service.
CursorTypeThe property returns or sets the cursor type of the AdoRecordset object.
DataMemberThe property returns or sets the name of the data member that will be retrieved from the object referenced by the DataSource property.
DataSourceSpecifies an object containing data to be represented as a the AdoRecordset object
EditModeIndicates the editing status of the current record (the ADO EditModeEnum value)
EOFDetects whether the current record position is after the last record in the AdoRecordset object
FieldsReturns the Collection object which contains AdoField objects
FilterThe property returns or sets a filter for the data in the AdoRecordset object.
IndexThe property returns or sets the name of the current index in the AdoRecordset object.
LockTypeThe property returns or sets a value that specifies the type of locking when editing a record in the AdoRecordset object.
MarshalOptionsThe property returns or sets a value that specifies which records are to be returned to the server.
MaxRecordsThe property returns or sets the maximum number of records to return from a query to the AdoRecordset object
PageCountReturns the number of pages with data in the AdoRecordset object.
PageSizeThe property returns or sets the maximum number of records allowed on a single page of the AdoRecordset object.
Pm_LastErrThe numeric error code of the result of the last executed method (property) of the AdoRecordset object
Pm_LastTextErrThe text description of the last executed method (property) of the AdoRecordset object
RecordCountReturns the number of records in the AdoRecordset object
SortThe property returns or sets the field names in the AdoRecordset to sort on.
SourceSets a string value or the Command object reference, or returns a value of the String type that specifies the data source of the AdoRecordset object.
StateDetects whether the AdoRecordset object is open, closed, connecting, executing an asynchronous method or retrieving data
StatusReturns the status of the current record with regard to batch updates or other bulk operations.
StayInSyncThe property returns or sets whether the reference to the child records will change when the parent record position changes.
AddNew()Beginning of the edit mode for adding a record
Cancel()Cancels an execution of the method
CancelBatch()Cancels a batch update.
CancelUpdate()End of the edit mode of the record, canceling changes
Clone()Creates a duplicate of an existing AdoRecordset.
Close()Closes a AdoRecordset.
CompareBookmarks()Compares two bookmarks.
Delete()Deletes record in the AdoRecordset object
Find()Search for a record in the AdoRecordset object that meets the specified criteria
GetRows()Copies multiple records of the AdoRecordset object into an 2-dimensional array
GetString()Returns a AdoRecordset as a text string
Move()Move the current record position in the AdoRecordset object by the specified number of records
MoveFirst()Move the current record position to first record in the AdoRecordset object
MoveLast()Move the current record position to the last record in the AdoRecordset object
MoveNext()Move the current record position to the next record in the AdoRecordset object
MovePrevious()Move the current record position to the previous record of the AdoRecordset object
NextRecordset()Clears the current AdoRecordset object and returns the next AdoRecordset object by looping through a series of commands.
Open()Opens a database element that allows access to records in the table, the results of a query, or to a saved AdoRecordset.
Requery()Complete data read in the AdoRecordset object
Resync()Refreshing the existing data in the AdoRecordset object
Save()Saves the AdoRecordset object into the file or into the Stream object.
Seek()Searches the index of the AdoRecordset object to find a record that matches the specified values.
Supports()Returns a boolean value that specifies whether the AdoRecordset object supports a specific type of functionality.
Update()End of the edit mode of record, writing changes
UpdateBatch()Saves all changes in the AdoRecordset object to the database. Used when working in batch update mode.
See also:
- AdoRecord (object)
- AdoField (object)
- PmaAdo (object)

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PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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