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DbRollbackTrans - method of the PmaAdo object

Cancells transaction over connected database.
Object DbRollbackTrans([String sParams])
sParams[optional] (String) Additional parameters of the DbRollbackTrans method Entries are in the KeyVal format, for example "return:map;".
"return:xxx;" (optional) - Specifies whether the method return value is a map containing multiple values (new procedure) or a single value (old procedure).
If not set, then the old procedure is used.
map - Returns a map (PmMap object) containing multiple returned values (new procedure) (e.g. Result, AffectedRows, ErrorCode, ErrorText).
Return value:
New procedure: Returns PmMap object with values in following items:
- "Result": empty value (the method does not return anything)
- "ErrorCode": numeric error code where the 0 value means successful method execution (no error)
- "ErrorText": error text description

Old procedure: Returns empty value (the method does not return anything).
The DbBeginTrans method starts a new transaction over the connected database. All following operations over this database will be confirmed as complete transaction by the DbCommitTrans method or cancelled by the DbRollbackTrans method. Transactions must be supported by both the connected database and the provider.
See also:
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var val = oDb.DbRollbackTrans();

Pm8.03.09: Created
Pm8.03.22: Returns the PmMap object with values in items "Result", "ErrorCode" and "ErrorText".
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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