Comment - property of the PmAlarmItem object
Alarm item comment.
Property access
for read and write.
The comment of the alarm item is usually connected with the moment of the alarm creation and usually it is entered as an optional the
sComment parameter in the
Activate method. If the alarm item is active, then the value can be changed any time by writing into this property. The modified value will be written automatically to disk into the history when the alarm expires or after acknowledgment and also when the application is terminated.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var oAl = pMe.Pm("/Alarm");
var oAlItem = oAl.Item("Temperature");
var sComment = oAlItem.Comment;
Dim oAl
Set oAl = pMe.Pm("/Alarm")
Dim oAlItem
Set oAlItem = oAl.Item("Temperature")
Dim sComment
sComment = oAlItem.Comment