Active - property of the PmAlarmItem object
Specifies whether alarm is active or inactive.
true - reading: alarm is active, writing: alarm activation
false - reading: alarm is inactive, writing: alarm inactivation
Property access
for read and write.
On reading the value from the property, the current alarm state is detected. On writing the value into the property, the activation or inactivation of the alarm is made.
Writing the value
true into the property is identical with calling the
Activate method without parameters.
Writing the value
false into the property is identical with calling the
Inactivate method without parameters.
The next two examples show the same activity by two different ways:
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var oAl = pMe.Pm("/Alarm");
var oAlItem = oAl.Item("Temperature");
oAlItem.Active = value > 80;
Dim oAl
Set oAl = pMe.Pm("/Alarm")
Dim oAlItem
Set oAlItem = oAl.Item("Temperature")
oAlItem.Active = value > 80