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Refresh - method of the PmaCommGroup object

Reading (restoring) all values of the data group defined on the "Data" tab together with the data registered into this object by data extension ExtComm.
Boolean Refresh()
Return value:
true - on success
false - on error
The Refresh method is an asynchronous operation, it means that after the method is terminated the data are not necessarily updated. The method only causes the data transfer and after completed, the onDataReceive event is triggered.

The Refresh method need not to be called if the "Data refresh enabled" configurator is checked, because the data are read automatically.
The method can be called even if this configurator is checked - then this method alters the period of automatic transmission and one transmission is executed immediately.

This method can be called even in the INFO system by clicking the "Actions" button. See "PmaRoot > Permissions > InfoEdit" permission.
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PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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