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Parameters - tab of the PmaCommGroup object

Definition of the communication data group parameters.
Data refresh enabledIf checked, then automatic data update (reading) from the communication is enabled after the application is launched (the data to be updated are defined on the "Data" tab and the data in the PmaData object containing ExtComm).
This configurator sets the initial value of the UpdateEnabled property.
If this configurator is not checked, then the data can be received by the Refresh method.
Communication refresh rate [ms]The period in milliseconds to be used for reading the current data by the PROMOTIC application.
This configurator sets the initial value of the UpdateRate property.
For some communication types this configurator is disabled (e.g. for the PmIEC8705 communication driver where the current data is received without request).
Priority data refreshIf checked, then the dat refresh for this object will be executed with higher priority. It means that the communication messages of this object will advance in the queue in front of the low priority messages. Usually the data refresh is not prioritized.
An example of the usage: It is necessary to transfer 3 "fast values" 10 times per second and 1000 "slow values" once every 10 minutes. Create two PmaCommGroup objects, one with 3 and one with 1000 variables. If both objects had the same priority, then it would not be possible to transfer the "fast values" once every 10 minutes. Therefore it is necessary to set the object with "fast values" to higher priority.
"onDataReceive" eventThe onDataReceive event triggering type. Specifies for which received variables the event will be triggered and what will be saved in the pEvent.Items parameter of this event. The event is triggered for each received group of variables.
A = call for all registered variables (in this object and also in other PmaData objects) - The event is triggered for all variables that have received values. These are:
- variables defined in this PmaCommGroup object on the "Data" tab.
- variables defined in the PmaData object that have the ExtComm data extension registered into this PmaCommGroup object.

A list of data extensions of these variables (of ExtComm objects) will be in the onDataReceive event in the pEvent.Items parameter.
B = call only for variables defined in this object (obsolete) - The event is triggered only for variables that received values and were defined in this object on the "Data" tab. In the onDataReceive event in the pEvent.Items parameter, there will be a list of variables (of PmVar objects).
Auto send on writing to itemIf checked, then at any writing into the variable the value of this variable is immediately sent via the communication (on writing into data defined on the "Data" tab and on writing into the PmaData object data containing ExtComm).
- This configurator sets the initial value of the AutoSendEnabled property.
- For some communication types this functionality is disabled (e.g. for the PmIEC8705 communication driver, where the data is sent after requested from the other side).
- If you write into more items of this object at a time, then the transmission is invoked for each item separatelly!
- Communication messages for sending data are set to high priority automatically - i.e. these messages skip over all lower priority messages in the communication queue.
Special ParametersAdditional parameters for this data group. These parameters depend on the type of the communication driver.
Some of the drivers do not have any special parameters, but some have, for example, the Default device address parameter. The PmModbusMr driver has additional parameters "Area base addresses", etc.
Some of these parameters can be changed by the SetSpecParam method and read by the GetSpecParam method.

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PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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