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GetVarSubArray - method of the PmaData object

Creates an array of values from object variables specified by index (from-to).
Array GetVarSubArray(Variant vFrom, Variant vTo)
vFrom(Variant) Index of the first variable (zero-based index) whose value will be located into 1-dimensional array.
vTo(Variant) Index of the last variable (zero-based index) whose value will be located into 1-dimensional array.
The -1 value means the last variable of the object.
Return value:
1-dimensional array of values (PmArray object for JavaScript or Array data type for VBScript).
Variables values indexed by the vFrom and vTo (including) will be selected into 1-dimensional array.
Values from so created 1-dimensional array can be assigned to variables on the "Data" tab by calling the methods SetVarArray and SetVarSubArray.
The GetVarArray method serves for getting 1-dimensional array of all variables values on the "Data" tab.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oData = pMe.Pm("/Data");
var arr = oData.GetVarSubArray(0, 2);
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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