ItemEx - method of the PmaData object
The method returns object of the
PmVar type that represents one variable defined on the "
Data" tab.
Object ItemEx(Variant id, Long nAttr)
id | (Variant) Specifies the variable. The value is:
- Name (String, case sensitive text, for example "d1") or
- Index (Long, zero-based index) |
nAttr | (Long) It allows to change the behavior of the method.
0 (default) - Default behavior (as the Item method).
PmVar object contains information about the variable (value, name, index, etc.).
If the variable does not exist, then error value (
null for
JavaScript or
Nothing for
VBScript) is returned.
Nothing value can be tested by VBScript
Is operator.
Identifier #vars: The reference to
PmVar object can also be done directly by extending the path of the
Pm method by means of the
PmaData - Deatiled object description identifier. This identifier can be used e.g. in the
Pm method, or in the "
PP - Pma object property" data binding.
For example the method
Pm("/data/#vars/Temperature) returns the "Temperature" variable (
PmVar object) in the
data object (
PmaData object).
Identifier #ext: References to
Data extensions objects in the
PmVar variable can also be done directly by extending the path of the
Pm method using the
#ext identifier.
This can be used in the
Pm method or in PP binding
in the application and
in panels.
For example the method
Pm("/data/#vars/Temperature/#ext/al") returns the data extension with
al identifier (
ExtAlarmAnalog) in the
Temperature variable (
PmVar) in the
data object (
PmaData object).
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var oData = pMe.Pm("/Data");
var oItemEx = oData.ItemEx(0);
// Access to the object that represents the variable
var value = oItemEx.Value;
// Reading the value
oItemEx.Value = 8;
// Writing the value
Dim oData, oItemEx
Set oData = pMe.Pm("/Data")
Set oItemEx = oData.ItemEx(0)
' Access to the object that represents the variable
Dim value
value = oItemEx.Value
' Reading the value
oItemEx.Value = 8
' Writing the value
Test whether the variable named "Temperature3" exists:
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var oData = pMe.Pm("/Data");
var oItem = oData.ItemEx("Temperature3", 1);
if (!oItem)
// ...
Dim oData
Set oData = pMe.Pm("/Data")
Dim oItem
Set oItem = oData.ItemEx("Temperature3", 1)
If oItem Is Nothing Then
' ...
End If