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Variables of the Pmg object

The Pmg object variable is used as aid for creation of user added Pmg object properties.

The variable is an Object type. This object has properties:
ValueValue of the variable. Property access for read and write.
NameName of the variable. Property access for read only.

Access to the Pmg object variable:
- by the PmgObject.Vars method. For example
oItem.Vars("MyVar").Value = 3.14
- by the identifier #vars.
pMe.Items("/text1/#vars/MyVar").Value = 3.14

The variables are used, for example, in the "GP - Pmg object property" data binding.

The variables can be created in any Pmg object on the "Variables" tab.

The variables can be of following data types:
- String - there Macro expression can be entered here ($.text, $.par ..)
- Integer
- Double
- Boolean
- Color - Text string of the RGB String type
- Font - text identifier of the font, e.g. "PmMiddle"

Data binding in variables:
- In each variable the data binding can be created.
- If it is written into this property and if this property is linked to the data binding PP, AP, SP, OP or GP, then this value is transferred also into the source of this data binding.

Preset variables in the PmgRoot object:
In each PmgRoot object, there are always two preset variables:
- BackroundColor: Background color of the panel
- FocusColor: Outline color rendered around the selected Pmg object

Pm9.00.25: New property Name.
Pm8.03.16: Fixed bug: Panel editor - In the variable of the Boolean type it was not possible to create data binding.
Pm8.03.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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