pMe | (Object) Reference to the PmaWebDir object where the event rises. |
pEvent | (Object) Reference to an object describing detailed information about the specific event.
pEvent.User - (Object) [for reading] The PmUser object that represents authorized user, who called the request for this page.
pEvent.Params - (String) [for reading] Text string that contains parameters in the URL.
This string has the form, for example "a=13&b=xyz". It means that "a" has the value "13" and "b" has the value "xyz". It is possible to separate individual values from this string by the Pm.HTTPGetFormValue method. pEvent.Method - (String) [for reading] Name of the HTTP method by which the parameters were sent:
"POST" - Sending parameters from the HTML form
"GET" - Sending parameters as a part of the required new page pEvent.FilePath - (String) [for read and write] Relative path to the file that is requested from the Web browser.
The relative path to the file (relative to Folder with files) can be changed to another relative or absolute file path in this event. pEvent.TypeEnable - (Long) [for read and write] It enables to set the type of sending the page to the client.
The designer can (according to the user setting, password or the computer address) disable the operation. Setting this parameter is recommended only for special cases. Common security setting is better to be done by standard means of the permissions: WebRead. See also PmaWeb.onNewRequest, PmaObject-Cfg.Methods. 1 (default) - enabling operation.
-1 - required log-on of the user (if the user hasn't been set) or disabling the user (if the user has been set but the name and password are wrong).
-2 - disabling operation for the client unconditionally. |
pMe.Vars("XXtime").Value = Pm.Time;