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Button - tab of the PmgButton object

Button properties.
'onButtonUp' event always triggeredIf not set, then the onButtonUp event is triggered if the button is pressed by the keyboard or if it is pressed by the mouse and the left mouse button is released over the button (if the left mouse button is released outside the area of the button-Pmg object, then the onButtonUp event is not triggered).
If is set, then the event is triggered always independently on the position where the left mouse button is released.
Multiline textIf checked, then the text uses the line automatically breaks. In this case the New line is entered by the key combination of Ctrl+Enter.
Change gradient direction after pressingIf checked, then the gradient direction is changed after pressing this button. The "Gradient" configurator must be checked in this case.
Flat viewIf checked, then the button is displayed normally without the border and shading (no 3D effect). If the mouse cursor passes over the putton (in runtime), then the 3D effects are displayed. The 3D effects dissapear as the mouse cursor leaves the button area.
This configurator sets the initial value of the Text property.
Macro expression can be used for input ($.text ..) (it is evaluated while the window is opening).
FontFont of the text.
ColorText color
This configurator sets the initial value of the ColorText property.
Alignment horizontalHorizontal alignment of the text
Alignment verticalVertical alignment of the text
RotateText rotation (is only in PmgString, PmgNumber, PmgButton and PmgButtonState objects)
Do not rotate
Left - Text will be rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise
Down - Text will be rotated upside down
Right - Text will be rotated 90 degrees clockwise
Picture fileFile with a picture (svg, jpg, png, bmp, wmf..) that will be drawn on the button. by means of the "T - Elementary table" data binding it is possible to change the image depending on the state of pressing the button (see the StateEx property).
This configurator sets the initial value of the ImageSrc property.
It is recommended to always use the path with #pmres: or #appres:.
Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated while the window is opening).
Show imagePositioning of the image in the button:
spread on all area - The image will be stretched over the whole button area.
as a wallpaper - The image will be repeated over the whole button area.
left from text - The image will be located as icon to the left of the text. The location of the image and text block in the button is based on the text alignment setting.
right from text - The image will be located as icon to the right of the text. The location of the image and text block in the button is based on the text alignment setting.
above the text - The image will be located as icon above the text. The location of the image and text block in the button is based on the text alignment setting.
below the text - The image will be located as icon below the text. The location of the image and text block in the button is based on the text alignment setting.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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