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MoveTo - method of the PmgEventViewer object

Moves the selected row of the viewer.
Empty MoveTo(Long nWhat)
nWhat(Long) Movement type of the selected row of the viewer.
0 - Refresh to the newest item of the newest backup.
If the active backup is switched to newer then the onConnect event is triggered.
1 - Up - One row up.
If is enabled then when moving to a row outside the current backup initiates transition to the next backup.
2 - Down - One row down.
If is enabled then when moving to a row outside the current backup initiates transition to the next backup.
11 - PgUp - One page up.
If is enabled then when moving to a row outside the current backup initiates transition to the next backup.
12 - PgDown - One page down.
If is enabled then when moving to a row outside the current backup initiates transition to the next backup.
21 - Home - To the beginning up.
It means that the upper table row will contain the newest or the oldes item (according to the sorting, see the SortType property).
Only in the current backup.
22 - End - To the end down.
It means that the bottom table row will contain the newest or the oldes item (according to the sorting, see the SortType property).
Only in the current backup.
23 - To the oldest.
It means that the oldest item will be contained in the bottom row or the upper table row (according to the sorting, see the SortType property).
Only in the current backup.
24 - To the newest.
It means that the newest item will be contained in the bottom row or the upper table row (according to the sorting, see the SortType property).
Only in the current backup.
This method is also functional in Web panels.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oViewer = pMe.Items("/Viewer");

Pm9.00.15: New values of the nWhat parameter for moving the selected row: 23 to the oldest and 24 to the newest row of the backup.
Pm9.00.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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