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Data binding UP - Logged user property - configuration window

The value of the data binding UP is a value of the selected property of the PmUser object.
Data binding configurators:
Property of the logged-in userProperty of the PmUser object, used to create the data binding. This can be selected from a menu in this configurator.
Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated while the window is opening).
This data binding is also functional in Web panels. The values of this data binding are evaluated via the Web server communication (with the PROMOTIC application). The Web client (i.e. Web browser) communicates with the Web server on a regular basis with the defined tiime period - see the "PmaPanel > Web server > Refresh period of the Web panel [s]" configurator.

For application local panel this binding will refer to the property of currently logged local user (see also Pm.LoggedUser property).

For the Web panel the binding will refer to the property of currently logged network user, that is logged in the Web browser.
In order to make this binding work properly, it is necessary to configure the panel (PmaPanel object) to have the "WebRead" permission (to force the network user to login into the browser). It is also recommended check the "Strict mode of network users login into the application requiring the use of both name and password" configurator in the PmaWeb object.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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