Unary operator of first value |
No (not used)
- (minus)
Abs (absolute value)
Not (negation)
Pow (square) |
First value | First value of the expression |
Expression binary operator | Binary operator of two values.
No (second value not used)
+ (sum)
- (difference)
* (multiplication)
/ (division)
Mod (modulo)
Max (Maximum)
Min (Minimum)
And (logical 'AND')
Or (logical 'OR')
Xor (logical 'XOR')
> (greater than)
>= (greater or equal)
< (less than)
<= (less then or equal)
= (equal to)
<> (inequality)
AndB (binary 'AND')
OrB (binary 'OR')
XorB (binary 'XOR') |
Unary operator of second value |
No (not used)
- (minus)
Abs (absolute value)
Not (negation)
Pow (square) |
Second value | Second value of the expression |