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Image - tab of the PmgRasterImage object

Image properties.
FilePath to the image file (svg, png, jpg, bmp, gif, wmf ...) that is viewed by this object.
This configurator sets the initial value of the Src property.
It is recommended to always use the path with #pmres: or #appres:.
Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated while the window is opening).
Size from the fileThe original (uneditable) dimensions of the image in the file are displayed here.
SizeSpecifies how the size of the PmgRasterImage object will be specified
According to "Position" settings - The object size is specified by the Dx, Dy configurators on the "Position" tab.
According to file - The object size is specified by the image size in the file
Over parent - The size of the object is equal to the size of the parent Pmg object (or the size of the entire panel, if the object is located on the desktop)
Wallpaper enableThe image is rendered repeatedly in order to fill the whole object area
Wallpaper zoomThe image is magnified n-times first before repeated rendering.
Crop imageIf checked, then the object displays only part of the image defined by the slice position.
This option is disabled if the "Wallpaper enable" configurator is checked.
Crop XPosition X of the left upper corner of the image for cropping (in pixels).
Crop YPosition Y of the left upper corner of the image for cropping (in pixels).
Crop DxCrop width (in pixels).
Crop DyCrop height (in pixels).
Flip and rotateImage rotation and flip.
This configurator sets the initial value of the Rotation property.
0 = do not rotate - No rotation.
1 = Left - Rotate left.
2 = Down - Rotate down.
3 = Right - Rotate right.
4 = flip - X-axis flip.
5 = Left and flip - X-axis flip and rotate left.
6 = Down and flip - X-axis flip and rotate down.
7 = Right and flip - X-axis flip and rotate right.
Save proportionIf checked, then the image aspect ratio will be preserved.
Enable background colorEnable/disable the background color selection. The background color is visible only in the transparent parts of the image.
This option is disabled if the "Wallpaper enable" configurator is checked.
Background colorImage background color. See Enable background color.
This option is disabled if the "Wallpaper enable" configurator is checked.
This configurator sets the initial value of the ColorBg property.
Enable lightEnable/disable the image lighting. The light color (set in the "Light color" configurator) lights different parts of the image differently. The light parts of the image are lighted most, the dark parts least.
This option is disabled if the "Wallpaper enable" configurator is checked.
Light colorThis color will be used to colorize the image. See Enable light.
This option is disabled if the "Wallpaper enable" configurator is checked.
This configurator sets the initial value of the ColorItem property.
Enable opacityEnable/disable the image opacity. Depending on the "Opacity level" configurator setting) everything that is placed under the image shines through.
This option is disabled if the "Wallpaper enable" configurator is checked.
Opacity levelSpecifies the transparency level. The value 100 renders the object totally transparent, the value 0 renders the object opaque.
This option is disabled if the "Wallpaper enable" configurator is checked.
Enable transparency colorEnable/disable partial image transparency, filled with the transparent color.
This configurator is obsolete because for the effect of transparency it is better to create the PNG or SVG file transparency directly.
This configurator is not functional in Web panels.
This option is disabled if the "Wallpaper enable" configurator is checked.
For the *.svg files (for images in vector graphic format SVG) the transparency is always enabled.
The "Transparency color (obsolete)" configurator is not available in this case because the image transparency is defined in the SVG file.
Transparency color (obsolete)The image area filled with this color will become transparent.
This configurator is not functional in Web panels.
This option is disabled if the "Wallpaper enable" configurator is checked.

Pm9.00.25: The "Crop image" configurator for Web panels is now functional.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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