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GetValueByTime - method of the tvPoints object

Search for value (more values) of data point according to specified parameters.
Variant GetValueByTime(Variant vTime, Variant nStyle, Long nCount)
vTime(Variant) Time whereby the data points have to be searched
The time is expected according to setting the PmgTrendViewer.TimeSetType property, i.e. "local time", "standard time" or "daylight-saving time".
nStyle(Variant) Type of the point specification with respect to the vTime time
0 - The data point whose time is less then or equal vTime, is searched
1 - The data point whose time is greater or equal vTime, is searched
2 - The data point that is the closest to the vTime time, is searched
nCount(Long) The number of the returned values.
1 - Returns one value of the data point
>1 - Returns nCount values in the array (not implemented in the JavaScript language)
Return value:
The method returns the value (the array of values) of the found point.
If no point has been point then the method returns: null for JavaScript or Empty for VBScript (it can be tested by the Pm.IsValid method).
This method is also functional in Web panels.
See also:
Time has to be entered as the "local time" (the "standard time" in the standard season and the "daylight-saving time" in the daylight-saving season).:
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var val, vTime;
var oTView = pMe;
var oPoints = oTView.Trends("t1").Points;

oTView.TimeSetType = 1;
vTime = "...";   // is "local time"
val = oPoints.GetValueByTime(vTime, 0, 1);
Time has to be entered as the "standard time" even in the daylight-saving season:
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

oTView.TimeSetType = 2;
vTime = "...";   // is "standard time"
val = oPoints.GetValueByTime(vTime, 0, 1);
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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