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Object tvPoints (TrendViewer points)

See: tvPoints - Deatiled object description

The tvPoints object holds the buffer of trend data points (one data point represents the time, value and attribute of a point).
Properties and methods:
AddPoints()Adds one data point or array of data points
Avg()Returns average calculated from values according to the parameter
Count()The number of values
GetIndexByTime()Search for index of data point according to specified parameters
GetTimeArray()Array of data points time from the buffer
GetTimeByIndex()Returns the time of i-th data point
GetTimeByTime()Search for time of data point (time array) according to specified parameters
GetValueArray()Array with values of data points from the buffer
GetValueByIndex()Returns a value of i-th data point
GetValueByTime()Search for value (more values) of data point according to specified parameters
Max()Returns maximum calculated from values according to the parameter
Min()Returns minimum calculated from values according to the parameter
RemoveAll()Removes all data points
RemovePoints()Removes data points from the buffer
Sum()Returns sum calculated from values according to the parameter
TimeOffsetTime offset of trend points
See also:
- tvTrend.Points (property)
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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