InputStrings | (String) 1-dimensional array of strings to be searched. |
Value | (String) String to search for |
Include | [optional] (Boolean) Logical value specifies whether to return substrings that include or exclude Value
true (default) - function returns the subset of the array that contains value as a substring
false - function returns the subset of the array that does not contain value as a substring |
Compare | [optional] (Integer) Numeric value specifies the kind of string comparison to use.
If not set, then a binary comparison is performed. vbTextCompare (default) - perform a textual comparison
vbBinaryCompare - perform a binary comparison |
Dim nIndex, aFilter(
aFilter(0) = "Sunday"
aFilter(1) = "Monday"
aFilter(2) = "Tuesday"
nIndex = Filter(aFilter, "Mon")
' nIndex(0) = "Monday"