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Hex - function of language VBScript

Returns a string that represents the value of a number in hexadecimal.
In the PROMOTIC system it is better to use the PmFormat object, see The usage of Radix for formatting numbers into hexadecimal form.
String Hex(Long number)
number(Long) Any valid numeric expression.
If number is not already a integer, then it is rounded to the nearest integer before being evaluated.

If number is function returns
Null Null
Empty Zero (0)
Any other number up to eight hexadecimal characters

Hexadecimal value of number can be entered directly by preceding numbers in the proper range with &H. For example, &H10 in hexadecimal represents decimal 16.
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Dim sHex
sHex = Hex(5)   ' Returns "5"
sHex = Hex(10)   ' Returns "A"
sHex = Hex(459)   ' Returns "1CB"
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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