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StrComp - function of language VBScript

Returns a value indicating the result of a string comparison.
In the PROMOTIC system it is better to use the Pm.StringCmp method.
Integer StrComp(String string1, String string2, [Integer compare])
string1(String) Text string
string2(String) Text string
compare[optional] (Integer) Numeric value specifies the kind of comparison to use when evaluating strings.
If not set, then a binary comparison is performed.
vbBinaryCompare - perform a binary comparison
vbTextCompare - perform a textual comparison
Return value:
-1 - string1 is less than string2
0 - string1 is equal to string2
1 - string1 is greater than string2
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Dim sStr1, sStr2, nComp
sStr1 = "ABCD"
sStr2 = "abcd"
nComp = StrComp(sStr1, sStr2, 1)   ' Returns 0
nComp = StrComp(sStr1, sStr2, 0)   ' Returns -1
nComp = StrComp(sStr2, sStr1)   ' Returns 1
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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