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TypeName - function of language VBScript

Returns a string containing data type information about a variable.
In the PROMOTIC system it is better to use the Pm.GetVarType method.
String TypeName(Variant var)
var(Variant) any variable
Return value:
"Byte" - Byte value (1 byte)
"Integer" - integer value (2 bytes)
"Long" - integer value (4 bytes)
"Single" - Single-precision real number (4 bytes)
"Double" - Double-precision real number (8 bytes)
"Date" - time and/or date
"String" - Text string value
"Boolean" - Boolean value (true or false)
"Empty" - unitialized
"Null" - no valid data
"Object" - generic object
"Unknown" - Unknown object type
"Nothing" - object variable that doesn't yet refer to an object instance
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Dim sType, ArrayVar( 3), NullVar
NullVar = Null
sType = TypeName("VBScript")   ' Returns "String"
sType = TypeName(4)   ' Returns "Integer"
sType = TypeName(37.50)   ' Returns "Double"
sType = TypeName(Null)   ' Returns "Null"
sType = TypeName(ArrayVar)   ' Returns "Variant"
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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