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Storage - tab of the PmaAlarmGroup object

Setting the storage type of the data rising during the run of the application in a local alarm group.
In case of a remote group (client) (see the "Remote group (client)" configurator), setting the type of getting the data for the alarm history viewer, eventually the state viewer.
Localized textsThe procedure of saving localized text to disk:
Keeping the multi-language form with $.text - Saving partialy evaluated localized text in multi-language form with macro expression $.text.
During the saving procedure the macro expression is partially evaluated except for the $.text. Especially the $.par parameters.
During the procedure of data reading (alarm history viewer, GetHistoryData method) the macro expression are evaluated again for the corresponding language.
Evaluate and save in a single specified language - Saving completely evaluated localized text in a single specified language.
During the saving procedure, the macro expression ($.text) is evaluated completely.
While reading the data (alarm history viewer, GetHistoryData method) the macro expression is not being evaluated for the corresponding language.
LanguageSelected language in which the localized textswill be completely evaluated and saved.
Storage typeThe history storage type:
Not save - The history is not saved to disk.
It is used locally for the implementation of an alarm group, for which only current state of alarm items is important and the history is not so important.
Text file (*.al) - The history is stored to disk in the form of a text file (*.al).
It is used locally for the implementation of an alarm group, where both the current state of alarm items and the history of state changes of alarm items are important.
See Parameters for type: Text file (*.al).
Database dBase backups - The history is stored to disk in the form of the dBase III file (*.dbf).
It is used locally for the implementation of an alarm group, where both the current state of alarm items and the history of state changes of alarm items are important.
See Parameters for type: Database dBase backups.
Database MS SQL Server cyclic - The history is saved into the SQL database in the form of the database table.
It is used locally for the implementation of an alarm group, where both the current state of alarm items and the history of state changes of alarm items are important.
See Parameters for type: Database MS SQL Server cyclic.
Database Oracle cyclic - The history is saved into the SQL database in the form of the database table.
It is used locally for the implementation of an alarm group, where both the current state of alarm items and the history of state changes of alarm items are important.
See Parameters for type: Database Oracle cyclic.
Database MySQL cyclic - The history is saved into the SQL database in the form of the database table.
It is used locally for the implementation of an alarm group, where both the current state of alarm items and the history of state changes of alarm items are important.
See Parameters for type: Database MySQL cyclic.
Database PostgreSQL cyclic - The history is saved into the SQL database in the form of the database table.
It is used locally for the implementation of an alarm group, where both the current state of alarm items and the history of state changes of alarm items are important.
See Parameters for type: Database PostgreSQL cyclic.
Database FireBird cyclic - The history is saved into the SQL database in the form of the database table.
It is used locally for the implementation of an alarm group, where both the current state of alarm items and the history of state changes of alarm items are important.
See Parameters for type: Database FireBird cyclic.
Remote connection via the Web - It is used for the connection to the remote alarm group via the Web by the HTTP protocol.
It is used purely at the group with the checked configurator "Remote group (client)" and the history and state viewer is functional.
See Parameters for type: Remote connection via the Web.
ColumnsConfiguration of individual columns. For each column two items are set:
- Save: flag if safe into the file (X=Save).
- Size: The size of saved data (for Text file (*.al) and Database dBase backups in bytes, for other types in the number of characters). This cannot be changed for some columns.

Columns list:

Identifier: The meaning: Preset state:
timeon Activation time save
timeoff Inactivation time save
timeack Acknowledge time save
globalid Identifier of the alarm item in the group not save
priority Priority of the alarm item save
area Marking area of the alarm item not save
source Marking source of the alarm item save
desc Alarm item description save
comment Alarm item comment not save
usernote Alarm item user note: not save
ackerid Identifier of the user making alarm acknowledgment not save
See also:

Pm9.00.03: New type of saving into the PostgreSQL database.
Pm9.00.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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