The name of created object | Name of the object created in the Pma object tree.
The maximum name length is 30 characters. This is a system name, so it must contain only alphanumeric and must not contain any diacritics (i.e. national dependent characters), empty string, spaces and first character must not be a number. Default: "CommDNP3" |
Network address | Network address of the remote device (e.g. of the PLC device), to which the communication will be connected.
The address can be entered as: - IPv4 full address (e.g. "")
- IPv4 address of this computer (i.e. "")
- IPv4 computer name (e.g. "server11")
- IPv4 name of this computer (i.e. "localhost")
- IPv6 full address (e.g. "2a02:c38:8136:800a:37a:ab66:6fc9:accd")
- IPv6 address of this computer (i.e. "::1")
Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated after the application is launched). After the preconfiguration is created, the "PmaComm > Setting the parameters of the Ethernet-client > Network address" configurator will be set to this value. |
DNP3 address of this application | DNP3 address of this PROMOTIC application.
The default value is 0. |
Communication refresh rate [ms] | The period in milliseconds to be used for reading the current data by the PROMOTIC application.
After the preconfiguration is created, the "PmaCommGroup > Parameters > Communication refresh rate [ms]" configurator will be set to this value. |
Create a PmaData object with test data | |
Create panel for test data | Creates panel that monitors the statistics of communication values |
Panel title | Displayed in the panel header |
ReadBatch - read history | Reading history groups Read Batch of Points from group Group 60 of the Event and Info types |
Analog group | Each monitored variable from the group has its own PmaTrendGroup. And it must be specified in the onEndOfTransfer event script of the ReadBatch_Anlg object. |
Name of the variable holding the time value | Name of the variable in the group holding the time value |
Variation | Group 60 = Class objects: Variation 1(2,3,4) = g60.v1(v2,v3,v4)
A group of analogue or binary values. Variable 1 - g60.v1: Class 0 data (Static)
Variable 2 - g60.v2: Class 1 data (Event)
Variable 3 - g60.v3: Class 2 data (Event)
Variable 4 - g60.v4: Class 3 data (Event) |
Variable name (id)(1) | Name of the requested variable |
User name(1) | User name of the displayed value in trends. |
Minimum | Lower limit of the value range |
Maximum | Upper limit of the value range |
Variable name (id)(2) | Name of the requested variable |
User name(2) | User name of the displayed value in trends. |
Minimum | Lower limit of the value range |
Maximum | Upper limit of the value range |
Binary group | Changes of the state of all group variables are stored in the PmaAlarmGroup object. The required description for a specific variable can be specified in the onEndOfTransfer event script of the ReadBatch_Bin object. |
Name of the variable holding the time value | Name of the variable in the group holding the time value |
Variation | Group 60 = Class objects: Variation 1(2,3,4) = g60.v1(v2,v3,v4)
A group of analogue or binary values. Variable 1 - g60.v1: Class 0 data (Static)
Variable 2 - g60.v2: Class 1 data (Event)
Variable 3 - g60.v3: Class 2 data (Event)
Variable 4 - g60.v4: Class 3 data (Event) |