PmgCanvas object rendering value scale for each individual visible trend.
This preconfiguration can be activated when creating a new object (e.g. by
"New object ..." in the context menu of the object or by pressing the
Insert key after selecting the object).
This preconfiguration is included in the
"/ Panels (PmaPanel) / Trends and graphs" group.
This preconfiguration can be created in the
PmaWorkspace or
PmaPrototype object.
- The preconfiguration is created including the panel (object of the
PmaPanel type) is functional also as
Web panel.
The preconfiguration creates an object of the
PmaPanel type. It has the
trConnect parameter that may contain a list of trends that are then connected and displayed. The list contains pairs of "group ID","variable ID" of connected trend. Each trend is represented by a pair of IDs. The IDs are separated by comma. The connection is executed in the
"Init" method.
There are the
PmgWTable and
PmgButton objects in the panel. The
PmgTrendViewer object is preconfigured to a default time axis interval of "1 hour". After the object is created, it is necessary to bind it staticaly or via a script to the desired
PmaTrendGroup objects variables.
The static binding procedure: In the
PmgTrendViewer object, on the "
Trends" tab, the "trend" object can be created, and on the
Edit trend, the binding to a
PmaTrendGroup value can be created.
PmgCanvas object renders individual value scale for each
visible trend in selected
color and order.
PmgWTable object represents the trend header. It is preconfigured in order to display a list of trends from the
PmgTrendViewer object, selects the active trend and displays the values of
ValueMax and also the value selected by the cursor, or the last value in the
Autoscroll mode.
The preconfigured buttons contain graphic symbols depicting their function.
- The next button group (arrows, of the
PmgButton type) are used for shifting on the time axis. In the
onButtonUp event the
ScrollTime method is called.
- The next group of buttons zooms in/out the time axis range. The
ZoomTime method is called.
The last button in this group is offering the preconfigured time intervals. In the
onMenuFill event, the
#pragma script directive is called, that influences the texts localization. In the
onMenuSelect event, the desired time-range of the trend viewer is set and its text is written in the button description.
- The button containing the clock symbol opens the preconfigured SetDateTime window for entering the date and time. It sets the beginning of the displayed time of the viewer.
- The next button is configured as a menu. In the
onMenuFill event, the
#pragma script directive is used again for the texts localization and in the
onMenuSelect event, the following methods are called:
ViewMode: for changing the viewer mode (chart/table)
LoadCfg: for loading the saved trend configuration
SaveCfg: for saving the trend configuration
DlgTrends: for setting the trend configuration
- Trend printing
This preconfiguration is used in
PreCfg - Preconfiguration examples.
These configurators can be set before the preconfiguration is created:
The name of created object | Name of the object created in the Pma object tree.
The maximum name length is 30 characters.
This is a system name, so it must contain only alphanumeric and must not contain any diacritics (i.e. national dependent characters), empty string, spaces and first character must not be a number.
Default: "PanelTrend" |
Panel title | User name of the panel that is displayed for example in:
- in the window title bar (if is opened outside the workspace)
- in the panel list obtained for example by the FindViewers method
This configurator sets the initial value of the property PmaPanel.Title and PmgRoot.ViewerTitle.
Macro expression can be used for input ($.text ..) (it is evaluated while the window is opening).
After the preconfiguration is created, the "PmaPanel > Panel > Panel title" configurator will be set to this value. |
Permissions | On this tab permissions of the object are defined. See the "Permission" tab of the PmaObject object. |
Member of logical groups | The list of the logical groups identifiers (the comma ',' is the separator), the object belongs into (it is a group member), see the "Logical groups" configuration window.
The logical group selection can be done in the "Member of logical groups" window.
After the preconfiguration is created, the "PmaObject > Object > Member of logical groups" configurator will be set to this value. |
Entry: trend group, trend variable, ... (and following values separated by comma)
example: "group0,var1,group0,var2,group1,var1" |
Connect trends on panel opening | Text string inserted into the trConnect parameter in the "sViewPars default value" configurator. It can be used to define the default view of trend variables when opening the panel. The panel can also be opened by the CreateView method, where in the trConnect parameter a other list of variables can be defined. The parameter contains connected values represented by a pair of identifiers: Trend group identifier, Name (or Data extension identifier). These identifiers are separated by comma - example: "trends0,var1,trends0,var2,trends1,var1" |
Button for Exporting the data into the CSV file |
true (default) |
Path to the PmaTrendGroup object | |
Enable as Web component | Specifies whether this object has to be registered as a Web server component
After the preconfiguration is created, the "PmaPanel > Web server > Enable as Web component" configurator will be set to this value. |
PmaWeb object | Path in the Pma object tree to the object PmaWeb, PmaWebFolder or PmaWebLang where the registration is carried out.
Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated after the application is launched).
After the preconfiguration is created, the "PmaPanel > Web server > PmaWeb object" configurator will be set to this value. |
Web component identifier | Specifies unique identifier of this Web component.
The full URL address to this component is then for example:
Macro expression can be used for input (it is evaluated after the application is launched).
After the preconfiguration is created, the "PmaPanel > Web server > Web component identifier" configurator will be set to this value. |