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Object PmgWTable (Table)

See: PmgWTable - Deatiled object description

This object serves for viewing and also for editing any data in the form of the table.
This object inherits properties, methods and events of the PmgObject object.
Properties and methods of this object:
BackColorDefault background color of non-fixed table cells
ColFirstVisibleColumn index that is displayed as the first one after the fixed columns
ColsThe number of table columns
Dim()Initial table configuration
Draw()Redrawing table
FillFromInfo()Reading the data from object displayed in the INFO system
FitWidth()Adjustment of column width to current table width
FixedBackColorDefault background color of table fixed cells
FixedColsThe number of fixed table columns
FixedFontFixed table cells font
FixedForeColorDefault text color of the table fixed cells
FixedRowsThe number of fixed table rows
FocusedCellTextValue of focused cell
FocusedColColumn index of focused cell
FocusedRowRow index of focused cell
FocusVisibleEnable to switch off default frame of focused cell
FontFont of non-fixed table cells
ForeColorDefault text color of non-fixed table cells
GetColPrivateData()Returns auxiliary column value
GetColWidth()Returns column width (in pixels)
GetRowPrivateData()Returns auxiliary row value
GridEnable drawing grid of non-fixed cells
InsertRow()Insert new row into the table
InteractionControl type of the table
IsCellFocused()Detects whether cell has the focus
PaddingBottomCreates free area for cell text at the bottom
PaddingLeftCreates free area for cell text at the left
PaddingRightCreates free area for cell text at the right
PaddingTopCreates free area for cell text at the top
RemoveRow()Removes row from table
ResizeColEnabledEnable/disable to change column width
RowFirstVisibleRow index that is displayed as first one after the fixed rows
RowsThe number of all table rows
SetColPrivateData()Sets auxiliary column value
SetColWidth()Sets column width (in pixels)
SetEditMode()Sets cell to edit mode
SetFocus()Causes the object to receive the focus
SetRowPrivateData()Sets auxiliary row value
StartHeightRow height
StartWidthDefault column width
Methods for Cell setup of the table:
GetCellBackColor()Returns background color of the cell
GetCellEditable()Returns the flag whether it is enabled to edit the cell
GetCellForeColor()Returns text color of the cell
GetCellText()Returns text of the cell
GetCellTextAlign()Returns text alignment of the cell
GetCellTextAlignVert()Returns vertical text alignment of the cell
SetCellBackColor()Sets background color of the cell (eventually the whole columns and rows)
SetCellEditable()Enable/disable the possibility to edit the cell (eventually the whole columns and rows)
SetCellForeColor()Sets text color of the cell (eventually the whole columns and rows)
SetCellText()Sets text of the cell
SetCellTextAlign()Sets horizontal cell text alignment
SetCellTextAlignVert()Sets vertical cell text alignment
Properties and methods inherited from the PmgObject object:
AddEvent()Registers a function into the specified event
Blink()Starts/stops blinking of the Pmg object
DxWidth of the Pmg object
DyHeight of the Pmg object
EnabledEnable/disable the control, i.e. user's inputs to the object
FocusDetects/set the focus of the Pmg object
GetChildByIndex()Returns the nested Pmg object defined by order
GetChildCount()Returns the number of nested Pmg objects
GetPathName()Object name with the path to this object
GetItemInfo()Returns special information regarding the Pmg object
GetPar()Reading the value of the Pmg object parameter (or its parents)
IniDxInitial width of the Pmg object
IniDyInitial height of the Pmg object
IniXInitial X-position of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to superior object
IniYInitial Y-position of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to superior object
Items()Returns reference to the Pmg object
MethodsAccess to designer methods of this object
MouseOnIdentification if the mouse cursor finds itself over the Pmg object
NameThe name of the Pmg object
ParentReturns reference to the parent Pmg object
Pm()Returns the Pma object (obsolete)
PmPanelReturns reference to the PmaPanel object where the Pmg object is placed
Refresh()Refresh of the Pmg object
RemoveEvent()Unregisters the function in the specified event
RootReturns reference to the root PmgRoot object
ShowMenu()Opens context menu of the Pmg object
ScreenXX-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to computer screen
ScreenYY-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to computer screen
ToolTipTooltip text of the Pmg object
Vars()Returns the variable of the Pmg object
ViewXPosition of X-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to the PmgRoot object
ViewYPosition of the Y-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to the PmgRoot object
VisibleVisibility of the Pmg object
XX-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to superior Pmg object
YY-coordinate of the left upper corner of the Pmg object relative to superior Pmg object
Events of this object:
onCellClickedIs triggered after pressing the left mouse button on cell.
onCellEditedIs triggered when cell editing is finished
onCellEditRequestedIs triggered when cell editing is started
onCellFocusChangedIs triggered when cell focus is changed
onCellTextChangeIs triggered when edited text is changed
onFixedCellClickedIs triggered after pressing the left mouse button on fixed cell
onDataUpdateIs triggered on request for data on dragging scrollbar
Events inherited from the PmgObject object:
onStartIs triggered on the construction of the Pmg object in the course of opening the panel
onStopIs triggered on the destruction of the Pmg object in the course of closing the panel
onRefreshIs triggered on the data refresh of the Pmg object
onModeChangeIs triggered when the Pmg object mode changes
onFocusInIs triggered if the object receives focus
onFocusOutIs triggered if the object loses focus
Configuration tabs:
ObjectGeneral information about the object
PositionSetting the position, width and height of the Pmg object
VariablesList and configuration of user defined Pmg object variables
EventsAlgorithms definition for the object events
MethodsDefinition of designer method of the Pmg object
TableBasic parameters of the table
ColumnsSettings of table columns properties
CellsSettings of table cell properties

Pm9.00.00: Object name changed: PmiAx-PmTable -> PmgWTable
Pm8.03.23: Fixed bug: in Web panels: In Firefox it was not possible to set the column width to 0.
Pm8.03.22: Fixed bug: in Web panels:
- It is possible to enter now more than one fixed row or column.
- Sometimes the scrollbar was visible while not needed.
Pm8.02.14: was optimized and is no longer flickering while being rendered.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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