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Complete control and monitoring system ID-6.2 - airport Kutaisi

The airport control and monitoring system is used to control and monitor the lighting security equipment at the airport runway. The air traffic controller enters the landing/take-off and the system automatically turns the lights on to the required luminance automatically, based on meteorological visibility and direction. There are two control stations at the airport, it is possible to pass control between these workplaces in such a way that the control can only be done from one point at a given moment. The system also performs its diagnosis - communication routes are monitored. All system interventions and malfunctions are archived.

The airport control system has a client x server architecture. The control server (the ZOTAC mini-computer) is located in the control cabinet on the transformer station. The application is running as service of the Windows OS 10 Professional. Access to data from client stations is through a Web browser. As client computers, 23" all-in-one computers with touchscreen are used. The system includes help.

Kutaisi airport
Hardware: 1x PC, Windows OS, 1x server, 1x client, 2x Web client
Control stations: 14 x ICPDAS
Company name: Kutaisi airport
Brief application description: The complex airport monitoring and conrol system ID-6.2 can be used on airports of any cathegory and also for heliports. It is used for monitoring and control of airport ground-based devices (security lights, radionavigation and telecomunication devices, etc.).
Date of commission: 2017
Implementation RSI SOFT, spol. s r.o., http://www.rsi-soft.cz

- Complete control and monitoring system ID-6.2 - airport Kutaisi - Georgia
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